Monday, April 27, 2015

Learn Something Together With Your Family

In India, school summer holidays have started for some while others it is just a few days away...
Many families would have already planned their summer holidays while others are still in the process of finalizing a place or things to do this summer vacation. Something new or different that you could consider this year during this vacation is to learn something new together with your family.
Rather than sending your kids off to summer camp why don’t you attend some interesting course along with your kids? I am not talking just the kids and the homemakers… but I am talking about the kids, the homemakers and the breadwinners (if you have assumed that by breadwinners I mean just the dads then you could be wrong, today it is both mom and the dad). All the cities offer wide range of exciting short-term courses and classes. You could even find weekend classes…Pottery classes…Baking classes…chocolate making classes…the options are countless, pick something that appeals to everyone in the family. If you are too tight with your budget, you could divert the funds that you have set aside for your vacation trip this year.
 I am not against family tours…they too have their place and value in family enrichment…but learning something new together as a family will bring in unlimited hours of fun and excitement…it will create a common platform for families that complain we do not have any common area of interests where we could converge…in some families common interests ‘naturally happen’ and in some we can sow the seeds of such common interests and we need to sow such seeds…learning a new skill together as a family could be one such you will not only learn a new skill... but you will also be able to spend some quality time together with your family now and in future practising the new skill…baking your cakes or moulding your pots…it is not the pots and cakes that matter but the platform it creates for the entire family together is what matters…of course if you get too good at your cakes and pots…you could sell them and make some money for your next summer vacation…if it does not sound interesting to you…I would still say force yourself into it if required and you will certainly not regret… Let us make and spread happy won't hurt to share this. :)
                                                             - Antony Innocent