The Challenge Of Illiteracy And Its Impact On India

As Indians, we would like to project or see our country as a developed nation but in the World Map painfully though we are categorized under “developing nation.” For how long will be considered a developing nation? Probably until we weed out all the underlying causes and one among them being high rate of illiteracy. Statistics have that India has the largest illiterate adult population in the world. Around 37% of the India’s adult population does not know to read or write. If you want to compare how other nations are doing, you could try this link
With such a high rate of illiteracy, we could barely lug ourselves to the finishing line in the rat race. The immediate temptation here is to switch to “blaming” mode and start blaming the government, politicians, the political systems in the country and the list is unending. We have tried this all along and it does not seem to take us anywhere. Probably, we should try to amuse ourselves with a different question and ask, “How do we deal with it?” which could lead us somewhere. This is not to mean that there aren’t any welfare programs from the government or that no one is working on this issue. We know for ourselves that hundreds of national as well as international NGOs are already at it traveling the paths that are less travelled even just as you are reading this, they are making progress but not effective enough to make a noticeable difference. We need more hands, fresh thinking and new strategies. Innovation could be the ‘lifeline’ that we are looking for, which could breathe a new lease of life into the nation when it comes to fighting illiteracy and thereby poverty.
Varanasi’s Unique Boat School That Keeps The Children Off The Streets Of Varanasi
Varanasi’s boat school is an intriguingly innovative idea and the best part is that it did not stop being an interesting idea. Already hundreds of children have benefited through this journey of doing right! The Varanasi boat school was started by the NGO Guria and the key person to lead this project was Ajeet Singh.
The Magical Transformation That Will Give The Children An Enhanced Learning Environment
While the school is still operational, it is certainly in need of a magical transformation to provide ideal learning environment to the children. The idea of Varanasi boat school is not to institutionalize this project but to increase the awareness among the locals on the importance of education. What this project has done is, if the kids won’t come to the school then bring the school to the kids! This school has prepared many children to get admission into regular schools.
Your Contribution And Support Can Give The Children Of The Ganga The Learning Environment That They Deserve
Varanasi boat school is certainly in need of support and with better funding, they could extend scholarship to the children, renovate the boat school and better equip it to make it an interesting place for the children. You too can do your part to Do Right! Visit for the whole story and to lend a helping hand.