Wednesday, April 22, 2015

The Love Guage


Oh My! I have been avoiding this all along...
Why did you post this?

The Love Gauge
-by Antony Innocent
Assess yourself…
You deserve an honest response to yourself...
My Love For My Spouse…
What Do I Make Out Of It…
Has grown in the past years since our marriage. I still have that burning love for my spouse.
Great Going! Just make sure that you are honest with your response.
Has been the same since day one until this moment.
Qualify your answer.
It could mean…
-          you don’t love your spouse and it has been the same.
-          you have been madly in love with your spouse and it has been the same.
-          you don’t really love your spouse but at the same time you don’t really hate him either, you can co-exist without any problem under the same roof and it has been the same all these years.
So what do you really mean here?
Has reduced…we don’t fight but that burning love is not there anymore…
Probably, you need to kindle the fire a bit to get the flames up…a bit of open talk with your spouse will help and is required here. Both of you really deserve the best, then why should you settle for a mediocre life when the quality of your life could be much better.
I don’t really know whether I love my spouse or not, we just live under the same roof.
This is not a good sign but you are not alone here thousands of couples merely exist under the same roof without really living their marriage. Check whether your spouse too feels the same. Don’t postpone this discussion… the sooner you talk the better it is for your family.
I don’t love my spouse…I hate to admit it.
Oops! You both need to talk… you need to talk immediately. It is possible to rediscover your love for each other…talking will help you trace back where and why you have lost your love for your spouse so that you could find it back. Often, it is not a ‘specific’ or ‘single’ moment… but it is usually a gradual phase, which you probably kept ignoring.
There are no problems in our marriage life and this is what most of us say…but here we are not looking for problems in marriage life but we are trying to ask ourselves whether we are happy with the quality of our marriage life and don’t we deserve better??? There is nothing extraordinary about this quick assessment but it does help us come to our senses…it is just a wakeup call and we probably have a long day ahead of us...
Signing off for now… -Antony Innocent.