Friday, July 19, 2013

We Welcome Roxy New Addition To Our Family

We Welcome ROXY, New Addition to Our Family

You are not going to belive if I tell you the story how ROXY came to us. Fara today went to collect her two-wheeler which she had given for servicing yesterday. She did not know how to take it when the service station told her that they found a squirrel's nest in the two-wheeler with two young ones in the hooter space!!!!!

One of the servicemen had taken it home and asked whether we would like to have them so that he can get it back. Fara had asked him to bring them both which she thought he did but when she came to the boutique and checked, only Roxy was there, probably he too couldn't resist this cute little creature and kept one for himself. Happy that we got Roxy, we let the other one go. Just as I am typing this Roxy is snuggling comfortably in my shirt pocket after having a good fill.

I am unable to upload the video here for some reason, check out Roxy's video in Facebook.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Top Three Question To Be Asked While Selecting Your Life Partner

Is Marriage A Tight Rope Walk For You?

What Are The Top Three Questions That You Should Ask While Selecting Your Life Partner?

Post your responses in the comments section.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

When Things Go Wrong Should Love Go Too?

When Things Go Wrong Should Love Go Too?

 - By Antony Innocent

After a long intriguing week it is Sunday and thankfully so. And it is 7 O’ clock in the morning. For a man that talks so much about the importance of spending time with the family and about the importance of balancing work and fun, are you wondering what I am doing in front of the laptop, at 7 am on a Sunday morning? My son is still in bed, enjoying his Sunday morning sleep, my wife and I woke up at 6 am. Are you wondering again why 6 am on a Sunday morning? Today, it was a bit late actually; we wake up at 5 am daily including Sundays so that we get more out of the day, more out of our life and more of each other’s company. I will have another post soon on our ‘5 am coffees’ and on why we started doing this. Anyway, after that beautiful Shawarma my wife made last night, the heavy dinner made us indulge in another hour’s sleep this morning. We had our coffee, did a bit of gardening and she is getting the breakfast ready and I stole a few minutes in between to put my thoughts down… we have planned to go fishing this afternoon to a stream close to our house. Fishing is a newfound interest after our trip to Wayanad this summer (2013). We tried our hands in fishing two weeks ago with the angling rods that I made at home, enjoyed relatively good success, despite being fresh hands we caught around six Tilapias. We are going to try it again this afternoon.

Things were not as romantic as you are visualizing in your minds when we entered home last night after a long day. The blocked plumbing line, which has been giving us warning signals for the past two days, gave up totally and it was not anything that you will desire when you enter home after a long tiring day and that too on a Saturday evening.

Life is for sure flavoured with several “what more can go wrong” kinds of days as if someone up there decides what kind of toppings he would like to have for that day, coming to our counter and ordering,
“today I will have a flat tyre”,
“today I will have blocked plumbing line”
“today it will be missing car keys”
“today I am in mood for some good fun so I will have a flat tyre, blocked plumbing line and missing car keys”

But remember that these are just the toppings and not life itself!

I am sure that each one of you reading this has seen many such toppings that spice up your life!!! No one is spared of these special toppings and I can get instantly a thousand people to amen me on this.

Even for couples that are in good bonding, it is not the same when things go wrong. This is when things flare up; angry words are exchanged and of course thoughtlessly, may be without any intention to hurt the other person and without actually meaning what we say. The question is ‘should love go too when things go wrong’, I do not mean to say here that just because a few angry words are exchanged, love and affection disappear. I am more concerned about what happens after the incident, when we come back to ourselves. Like I said, the ‘thing that went wrong’ is just the topping and it is not life itself. So, after the event:
Do I add ‘one’ to the score of wrong things thinking that 'let it happen one more time, then that will be the end' kind of thoughts…

Or does my mind race back and forth the event distressed that I could have hurt the other person and try to make it up to that person at the first chance that I get?

Something that I found helpful is to jump into the scene without really investigating whose fault it is. Rather than nitpicking, rolling up the sleeves and getting the collar dirtied a bit  resolves the issue faster and it surely does improve the bonding . A blocked plumbing line which can lead to sleepless nights though not for all but at least for those ‘anxious minds’, is actually a minor glitch which can of course be worked out and the same applies to every other glitch that we come across. However, what is important is whether we are there supporting each other even through these, “(silly) what more can go wrong” kind of days.

As all of us have such days and that they have undermining effects on our relationship, it is an important area that we should focus on when we are trying to enrich our relationship. Let us not pretend that such things do not exist in our relationship because if you leave them unattended, it will explode at a time that you least expect them. 

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Sorting Out The Differences In Love and Relationship

Sorting Out The Differences in Love & Relationship
- By Antony Innocent

Love and relationship do not demand people without differences... it simply asks us that we learn not just to live with these differences but that we grow to like these differences. 

In husband - wife relationship, there are four possible situations:

Husband and wife,
-         share no common interests.
-         have equal area of common interests.
-         have common interests but the overall area of common interests is less than the differences.
-         share common interests and area of the common interests is greater than the area differences.

If you want your relationship to be enriched, you need to be continually working on increasing the common grounds. Both parties (husband and wife), have to work towards increasing the common area that they have with the other person. It is possible for all of us to do this because we were not born with the set of interests that we hold today and you cannot be really sure whether you will hold the same interests the next year, the next month or tomorrow. Interests can change; there is nothing wrong in changing our areas of interest and that being the case, it is always possible for us to start liking the things the other person likes without having to give up our own likes in most situations. I do admit that there could be situations where there are diametrically opposing interests, which I do not evade, whereby to pursue one person’s interests or dreams a bit of sacrifice from the other person is required. Here, I am taking my cover under “most situations”. I will however, talk about the place of “little sacrifices” in husband – wife relationship in one of the forthcoming posts.

Nevertheless, problems popup if you ask, “Why should I work towards covering more grounds on the opposite side? Such a question only indicates that you do not have any idea of enhancing your relationship but some other agenda in mind. This simply means that you really do not want your relationship to ‘work’ and that will strip you of the ‘right to complain’ that your husband or your wife does not understand you or does not show any interest in what you do or in what you say. 

Another advantage of covering more ground is that you don’t have to give up your personal aspirations and dreams just because your husband does not like or because your wife does not support you, any longer. How can they not support or like it when it becomes their interest too? Yes, that is what happens when both of you keep extending your grounds on the opposite side. A time will come whereby there is no opposite side because both people’s interest merge; here both people share equal common interests. Yes, of course, it is easier said than done, but it is not impossible. What do you have to lose? You can only gain by this approach including your ‘love’. Why do I say this?

Let me explain, by starting to like the things that your husband or your wife likes if you think that you are making great sacrifices… YOU ARE NOT! You will only be making life even better for yourself because, you get to have more things that you like in your life. You will start doing more number of things that you like in life. Don’t you think it will pep up your life with additional dose of happiness when you have more things that you like in life? Give it a thought...